The Navitas Organization ("TNO") is a consultancy to small & mid sized businesses focused on navigating, accelerating, & validating innovation & technologically advanced systems.
Advise, Target, & Deliver (Management)
We Advise companies helping them reboot, re-energize, & revolutionize.
We Target legacy assets, ways, and means.
We Deliver simplified innovation, optimized value, & maximized adoption.
DDAARRPP Ops (Operations)
Our Futurization Framework leverages data, drones, automation, AI, reuse, robotics, power, people & process.
Value Add & Disruptive Innovation (Strategy)
We add value by identifying mission critical operations & delivering solutions that Future Proof.
We position organizations for growth & prepare them for disruption.
We provide commercialization, go-to-market, & scale to organizations with disruptive innovation.
Navita360 (Platform)
Is our Platform as a Service (PaaS) that navigates, accelerates, validates innovation & technological adoption.
VIII Tenets of The Navitas Organization:
There is Always a Better Way.
Reposition Never Retreat.
Seek the Hard Truth.
Reward not Award.
Not Why but When.
Innovation Wins.
Pivot or Perish.
Acta Non Verba.
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