European Union electricity costs have increased 3x because of it's "green initiatives."
A gallon of gasoline is $5.80.
Depending on which state you're in the cost is more than half of that in the USA.
A single electric-car battery weighs about 1,000 pounds and requires 500,000 lbs of raw materials to be moved to get its metals.
EV's now weigh 500 + lbs MORE than other vehicles on the roads.
How will that affect roads designed for less weight per non-commercial vehicle?
Don't forget the need for an additional 7.9 million kw/day to "fuel" the EVs so an additional 79 BILLION cubic feet/day in NEW natural gas production to feed the power plants.
That would be 88% increase from current consumption levels in the USA of 89 bcf/day.
Well the average EV will need 200kw/month in charging.
That is about a 25% uplift per home per EV from current consumption just on one EV.
With homes having an average of 2.5 vehicles that's a lot of NEW POWER GENERATION needed.
To meet the additional 7.8 million MW/day to charge all EVs (assuming all vehicles replaced with EVs) there would need to be an additional 9,750 natural gas power plants. (800 MW/ plant/day)
Ironically, China has about 10,000 coal fired power plants right now to make the solar panels, products, etc. used to charge the "clean energy EVs."
How does the price of a new EV compare to a combustible engine?
Average combustible engine vehicle (new) $47,000.
Average price for a new EV $55,000.
I'll leave you with this. Most EVs can't go over 150 miles without a charge.
There are 4 "levels" of charge.
Level 1
1 kw (home outlet) 120 volts
5-6 MPHc (miles per hourly charge)
12-24 hours for full charge
Level 2
7 - 19 kw (tap your electric panel) 240 volts
25 MPHc
5-10 hours for full charge
Level 3 ("Fast Charger")
50 kw (separate installation 3 phase)
+/- 200 MPHc
30 mins to 1 hour for full charge
Level 4 ("Super Charger")
250 + MPHc
30 minutes or less (weather permitting)
There are over 115,000 gasoline stations nationwide and can fill up in less than 5 minutes or faster.
Better hope it doesn't go below freezing because that range goes down with it.
Batteries don't like cold.
So unless you are short trips back and forth - good luck with that EV (better not forget you plug adapters)
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